Monday, December 29, 2008

A Passion for Porsches

Being a diver, in some ways, is indicative of one's nature, one's outlook on life, maybe even how we make our living. My son is a chip off the old block, so to speak, and when I look at him, I see characteristics of myself. One of those characteristics, good or bad, is that we both appear to be "risk takers". This shows up not only in the fact that we are willing to enter an environment made for creatures with gills, needing specially designed equipment allowing us to imitate them and keep breathing, but also in other aspects of our lives.

I used to be the Director of a large, Arizona County Planning Department, a government agency responsible for planning and guiding the growth and development of one of the fastest growing counties in the fastest growing state in America. I lasted 5 years and took an offer to be Project Manager of a Master Planned Community; private industry vs. government service. I have been working without a security net ever since.

Part of that risk taking personality causes us to look beyond the generic, commuter car, the van or econo car for transportation. My eyes jerk sideways every time a hot looking set of wheels slips into my periferal vision. The Porsche Boxster causes the most violent reaction for me. I have always liked the Porsche and until 1997, the 911 was first choice. However, when Porsche revealed the "survival" inspired commemoration of the famous 550 racing Porsche Spyder of the 1950's and named it the Boxster, my passion flared. What a beautiful, inspiring "topless" ride with balance, power, sophistication and style. And plenty of room front and back to carry the gear. Made for the heart of a diver. Take a look at another brother's blog; Maybe it'll be a test of your personality; are you a "risk taker"?

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